
5 Ways Cloud Based Quoting Software Can Help Your Business

As more businesses move to the cloud, cloud-based quoting applications are becoming more popular, as they help businesses generate accurate quotes quickly and efficiently, and also send proposals from anywhere, at any time. In this article, we explain the five main ways in which implementing cloud-based quoting software can help your business improve its sales process.

1) Saves Time

Cloud quoting software can save you a lot of time when it comes to making and sending quotes to customers, and following up on responses. With a cloud application, you can simply fill out a form online through any device and then have the quote automatically generated and emailed to your prospect. This means that you don’t have to spend time creating the quote from scratch each time or wait to get back to the office from a sales meeting to generate a quote – quotes can be configured and delivered instantaneously. In addition, approving quotes online can save time, as you can quickly and easily review quotes and then approve them with just a few clicks.

2) Saves Resources

Cloud-based quoting applications can help when you’re short on people and when you’re low on budget. When you’re understaffed on your sales team or when your salespeople are extremely busy, using software to automate repetitive tasks can boost productivity and save valuable resources. The software can take care of many of the quotes you need to generate, freeing up your team to focus on following up leads and closing deals. Cloud-based software can be a more cost-effective option than traditional on-premises software, with fewer hardware requirements and lower software support costs.

3) The Proposal Makes a Good First Impression

When it comes to sending proposals to buyers, cloud-based quoting lets you create professional looking proposals without having to worry about the design or layout. An informal quote sent by email or on a spreadsheet can look sloppy and create a poor first impression. With a purpose designed quoting application, a number of customisable templates will be stored safely in the cloud so you can access when needed and populate them with customer data. This means you can spend more time on other tasks, knowing that your proposals are taken care of.

4) Streamlines Quotation Process

Cloud-based quoting software allows for quotations to be viewed, reviewed, changed, and approved in a shorter amount of time, as the software is readily accessible to all members of the team who need to use it, from any device. In addition, the software is typically more user-friendly and intuitive than older manual systems, meaning that less time will be spent training staff on how to use it.

5) Improves Remote Working and Team Collaboration

Cloud-based quoting applications improve coordination and collaboration between team members by giving everyone access to the most up-to-date information in real time. This way, everyone is working from the same set of data, which reduces the chances of errors and miscommunication. In addition, it’s easy for salespeople to collaborate with office-based colleagues on quotes when working remotely or in the field, meaning that everyone can provide their input regardless of location.

Find Out More

At Quintadena, we provide a range of customisable cloud-based quoting applications to help businesses streamline their sales process. To find out more, please get in touch today for a free quote.

Image Source: Unsplash